作者:cfsbcn 編輯:中國廚房設備網
中國廚房設備網訊 MEIKO——K260C蒸汽加熱型自動籃傳送式洗碗機
The Compact Automatic Basket Conveyor Dishwasher
優勢 Performances
雙加熱洗滌缸結構,洗滌能力可達260洗滌籃/小 時,洗漆效果顯著。
Two wash-tank, washing capacity is 260 baskets per hour, best washing result.
超低的漂洗用水量(420~^50升/小時}及獨有的 熱回收裝置,大大節省了蒸汽、催干劑和洗潘劑 用量,降低用戶運做成本。
Low water consumption (only 420-450 liters per hour) and unique built-in heat recovery (heat exchanging) system greatly reduces the operating costs of steam, rinse-aid and detergent.
蒸汽加熱盤管,確保超短待機加熱時間。 Steam heating pipe guarantees short heating time.
前門雙層壁式結構隔熱、隔噪音,操作舒適并節 省能源。
Noise reduction, energy saving and heat protection through double wall construction of the sliding door and the main wash tank.
漂洗加熱器使用超高品質的316不繡鋼材質,更 具抗腐蝕性。
Rinse booster is made from high-quality heater 316 stainless steel, more corrosion resistance
特點 Features
內置式漂洗加熱器和漂洗泵,保證漂洗水壓和溫度 始終穩定在額定值。
Built-in booster heater, rinsing pump delivery constant water pressure and water temperature.
Easy access to wash tank through positioning and fixing of the sliding door at any height.
Easily removable upper and lower wash arms.
Excellent hygiene because of easily cleanable interior of the machine and its deep drawn tanks.
主要適用場所Suitable For
Restaurants,Hotels and Staff Canteens
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