nstructions: You will be notified instantly on screen if your offer is accepted. You only have 5 opportunities to make an acceptable offer.
Once your offer is accepted you will have 12 hours from the acceptance time, to make full payment on your item. If you choose to continue shopping on our site, you will be able to review your purchase(s) in your shopping cart. Please note, your item is not reserved until payment is made on the order.
If you are making an offer for an item that has a quantity available, an “accepted offer” is good for the quantity of that item you would like to purchase; separate offers are not necessary and may void your previous offer. Make an Offer can be used in conjunction with other web specials and promotions.
Five accepted, unpaid offers will cause your account to be blocked from making future offers. Please call us at (086) 028-82666749 if you have any questions.
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